Re-vote on Game Format

At the MGM held on Thursday, November 23rd a vote was held to decide which of the two proposals for the game format would be adopted. The status quo option was eliminated as a potential choice.  Of the two remining proposals, one proposal was for a 4-game/night format and the other was for a modified 5-game/night format.

The show-of-hands vote was remarkably close and on its own was insufficient to conclusively determine the outcome.  Several votes were submitted on a handwritten note from members who did not attend the MGM, however those submissions could not be verified. As well, some of those members indicated afterward that they weren’t sure of all the available choices.  In addition, some members who did not attend, indicated an oral choice but not in writing.

In light of the voting irregularities, and the closeness of the in-person vote, the executive has determined that to conclusively determine the outcome and to best reflect the intent of the membership on this issue, the proposals will be submitted to a re-vote and will be open for voting to all full members.  The deadline to submit your vote is Friday, December 1st.

If you are not clear on the proposals or the voting process, please reach out to myself or the exec ( or feel free to talk to one of the exec on Thursday .

PCVC Members, please check your email for details on how to vote and detailed descriptions of each format.

Results of Vote on Game Format

The vote on the Thursday-night game format ended on Dec 1st.  Thank-you to everyone who took the time to submit their choice. Here are the results:




Option 1: 4-Games/Night Format



Option 2: Modified 5-Games/Night Format









Based upon the results we will be returning to the 4-Games/Night format starting in the Winter season.