PCVC Week 4 Updates – Schedule Change

There are some important updates in this email including schedule changes. Please read the email in its entirety to be aware of upcoming changes.

Gym Cancellations

We have had an unusually high number of gym cancellations for both Iona and St Paul this season and as a result have had to adjust the schedule. The schedule has just been updated. Teams # 2,4,5,7,8, and 12 will be off this Thursday (Oct 11th) due to unavailability of St Paul.  We have also had BOTH gyms cancelled for Oct 18th as a result we have no scheduled games next week. Play resumes on Oct 25TH.

Please check the schedule on the website.


Realignment has been completed. Some players have been moved between teams to better balance the competitiveness among teams and to adjust for player drop outs due to injuries. Individuals and teams which have been affected by realignment have been notified by email. To have a look at the updated teams please see the Teams page on the website.


As we have had several players request a leave of absence due to injury or other reasons, I wanted to clarify the use of substitute players on a team:

1.      The team has the option of requesting a sub in lieu of a player off for 3 or more weeks on leave of absence. The request must come from the team rep on behalf of the team.  The exec will not provide a sub unless requested by the team rep. The exec will on a best effort basis try and find a sub of equivalent skill to the player being replaced.

2.      As a replacement for the player on leave, the sub is a full member of the team until the original player returns. The sub is entitled and expected to play at all games they are able, just as the original player would have.

3.      Team are not allowed to arrange their own subs. If you have a potential sub, please contact the membership secretary, Matt (matthew@pcvc.ca) and he can add that individual to the sub list.

4.      If a sub isn’t working out, the team rep should let the exec know immediately after the first night of the subs play on the team.


Sponsor Bar

For the first several weeks some of you who came to the sponsor bar, the Erin Mills Pump, may have noticed that PCVC members were not offered the 79 cent wing special we had last year. The good news is that, thanks to Simon Kwan, 79 cent wings are back. A big thank you to Simon for negotiating this back for us.


The October 20th Sixes tournament is currently wait listing both men and women. If there is sufficient interest an additional team will be added, so if you are interested, please email tournaments@pcvc.ca

The November 3rd Reverse Pairs tournament is open for registration. Information on registration can be found here.

More information and registration links can be found on our Tournament page on the website.


Incentive Night

Next October 25th , is our next incentive night.  Come to the sponsor bar, the Erin Mills Pump, to meet your fellow members and enjoy a drink on the club.